
Happy Feet: The Benefits Of Podiatrists From The Rugby Frontlines

Your Guidelines to Diabetic Foot Care

Foot problems are among the major complications that come with diabetes. Besides lessening blood flow to your feet, diabetes can also damage your nerves, both of which can lead to foot problems. Nerve damage means you could lose your skin sensations, making it hard to feel pain in your feet. On the other hand, reduced blood flow can cause cuts and blisters in your feet that are quite hard to heal. Among the foot problems you are likely to suffer from are ingrown toenails, hammertoes, dry skin, bunions, blisters, calluses, athlete's foot, and fungal infections. Knowing how to take care of your feet is, therefore, crucial. And here are some guidelines to help you.

Your Daily Foot Care Routine

You must take care of your feet every day to avoid severe foot problems that could lead to losing a toe, foot, or even leg. Therefore, start with daily foot inspections. Check for any forms of swelling, cuts, nail problems, blisters, and redness. You can use a mirror to help you check for such issues if you have no one to help you. It would be best to contact your podiatrist if you notice such problems.

It would help if you also washed your feet daily. And when doing this, it's imperative to pay extra attention to the water's temperature. Avoid hot water and use lukewarm water instead. With diabetes, you may not be able to tell whether the water is too hot. Therefore, do not attempt to gauge its temperature using your feet. Instead, use your elbow (your hands may be affected too) if there's no one around to help you.

If you have dry skin on your feet, consider applying moisturiser daily to prevent drying and itching. However, avoid using moisturiser between your toes as this could encourage fungal infections. Remember to also keep your feet dry all the time because moist areas tend to encourage fungal infections. To do this, start by wearing dry socks and remember not to use tight ones as these could restrict blood flow. Also, when drying your feet after a shower or after washing them, pat them dry instead of rubbing to avoid injuries.

Walking Barefoot

Whether it's sandy beaches, hot pavements, or heated floors in your home, avoid going barefoot. Doing this can result in sores, injuries, cuts, etc., that you may not feel but that could cause infections later. Therefore, always wear shoes, slippers, or socks. When putting on shoes, remember to check the insides for any pebbles that may cause injuries.

Your Choice of Socks and Shoes

The kind of shoes and socks you wear can also make all the difference in your diabetic foot care. First, consider closed shoes that will protect your feet. Therefore, avoid options like sandals, open-toed shoes, and flip-flops that will leave your feet unprotected and vulnerable to injuries. For socks, go for natural fibres like wool and cotton.

For more information, go to an NDIS Podiatry Provider.


About Me

Happy Feet: The Benefits Of Podiatrists From The Rugby Frontlines

Neil the rugby coach here. I’ve been coaching first grade for over ten years. One of my biggest tasks is helping the guys to overcome various aches and pains. From aching backs to dodgy knees to ingrown toenails, they depend on me to direct them to the best practitioners. I have found that my number one priority is making sure that they have a good foot specialist. Imagine the damage that wearing the wrong shoes and having constant blisters can cause! I started thinking that if the guys in my team are unaware of the major health benefits a podiatrist can offer, others may be in the same position. I hope my blog can give a broader perspective on the profession and the conditions they treat. I’m really pleased that you found my little site and hope that it helps you to walk tall.

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