
Happy Feet: The Benefits Of Podiatrists From The Rugby Frontlines

How A Podiatrist Can Help With Shin Splints

Anyone can develop shin splints, but those who run or take part in high-impact sports have an increased risk of developing this condition. Shin splints can develop when the lower leg muscles are put under strain and inflammation develops. This inflammation can affect the bone that runs down your shin, known as the tibia. Poor running technique, increasing your exercise intensity too quickly and footwear that doesn't offer appropriate support can lead to you developing shin splints, and shin splints will prevent you from taking part in the exercise you enjoy, so seeking treatment early can get you back to your active self as quickly as possible.

Symptoms of Shin Splints

Shin splints cause generalised pain down the front of your lower leg, and this often comes with visible inflammation. The pain may worsen when you are on your feet for extended periods, and your lower leg muscles may feel weak. Your shin may also feel warm, and it's not unusual to experience numbness in your foot, as inflammation in your shin can impede blood flow to your foot.

Treating Shin Splints

Shin splints are diagnosed by carrying out a lower leg exam and taking details of your symptoms. A hairline fracture can cause similar symptoms to shin splints, so if your podiatrist has any concerns, they will refer you for an X-ray before commencing treatment.

The goal of treatment is to resolve inflammation and strengthen the muscles of your lower legs to reduce the risk of shin splints recurring. Elevating your legs and using ice packs can help kick-start the healing process, but when inflammation is severe, your podiatrist may recommend a short course of anti-inflammatories as part of your treatment regime.

They may measure you for compression stockings to improve lower leg circulation, which can ensure your feet are receiving enough blood flow to keep the tissue healthy. Stretching and strengthening exercises will be a key part of your treatment regime. Stretching your leg muscles will reduce tension and stiffness, and strengthening them will help with recovery and reduce the risk of recurrence. Your podiatrist will show you safe and effective exercises for shin splint recovery.

They may also measure you for custom-made orthotic insoles. These insoles can take pressure off your lower legs and prevent the muscles in your feet from coming under excessive strain when your lower leg muscles are inflamed. Your podiatrist can also recommend suitable supportive footwear for the types of activity you engage in, as proper foot support can take some of the pressure off your leg muscles when you exercise.

Contact a podiatrist to learn more. 

About Me

Happy Feet: The Benefits Of Podiatrists From The Rugby Frontlines

Neil the rugby coach here. I’ve been coaching first grade for over ten years. One of my biggest tasks is helping the guys to overcome various aches and pains. From aching backs to dodgy knees to ingrown toenails, they depend on me to direct them to the best practitioners. I have found that my number one priority is making sure that they have a good foot specialist. Imagine the damage that wearing the wrong shoes and having constant blisters can cause! I started thinking that if the guys in my team are unaware of the major health benefits a podiatrist can offer, others may be in the same position. I hope my blog can give a broader perspective on the profession and the conditions they treat. I’m really pleased that you found my little site and hope that it helps you to walk tall.

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