
Happy Feet: The Benefits Of Podiatrists From The Rugby Frontlines

Can Diabetics Benefit from Using Orthotics?

Many people who suffer from diabetes have their legs/feet amputated because of the development of wounds that fail to heal. This article discusses how the use of orthotic devices (devices that support or limit foot movement) can be helpful to diabetics and hopefully prevent the need for amputation. How Wounds Develop in Diabetics People suffering from diabetes may have limited blood flow to the extremities (such as the feet) due to having damaged arteries and veins in those areas. Read More 

The Toenail Rainbow: Common Toenail Discolourations, And What They Could Mean

A toenail is never really going to be a thing of beauty, but keeping your toenails in good condition is always advisable, and not just for aesthetic reasons. Various infections, illnesses and conditions can afflict the toenails, and can spread and develop into more serious conditions if not treated promptly. Moreover, a change in the appearance of your toenails can also be an early symptom of some more serious, chronic conditions. Read More 

Starting to Run Again? Here’s 3 Podiatric Tips to Keep You Running

If you are starting back running after a long period of limited activity, it's a great idea to check in with your feet before you get started. With each running step putting up to 2.5 to 5 times your body weight through your feet it's easy to see how inexperienced runners can easily end with painful and incapacitating injuries. Here are some ways to make sure your feet stay in tiptop condition. Read More 

Morton’s Neuroma Explained

Morton's neuroma, named after the doctor who first diagnosed the condition, causes a benign growth between the third and fourth metatarsal bones in your feet. It's a painful condition that affects the nerve tissue around the metatarsals, which are the small bones that run from your ankles to your toes. Here's an overview of Morton's neuroma: Causes The cause of Morton's neuroma isn't always clear, but the following are known triggers: Read More 

3 Treatment Options For Plantar Warts

When you have broken skin or a weakened immune system, you are more susceptible to the virus that causes warts. A wart on the sole of your foot is called a plantar wart, and due to its location, it can cause pain when you walk. It's not uncommon for people with warts to feel embarrassed, but plantar warts are usually not difficult to treat. You should have your wart examined by a podiatrist who will confirm that it is indeed a wart and not a corn or callus. Read More 

About Me

Happy Feet: The Benefits Of Podiatrists From The Rugby Frontlines

Neil the rugby coach here. I’ve been coaching first grade for over ten years. One of my biggest tasks is helping the guys to overcome various aches and pains. From aching backs to dodgy knees to ingrown toenails, they depend on me to direct them to the best practitioners. I have found that my number one priority is making sure that they have a good foot specialist. Imagine the damage that wearing the wrong shoes and having constant blisters can cause! I started thinking that if the guys in my team are unaware of the major health benefits a podiatrist can offer, others may be in the same position. I hope my blog can give a broader perspective on the profession and the conditions they treat. I’m really pleased that you found my little site and hope that it helps you to walk tall.

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