
Happy Feet: The Benefits Of Podiatrists From The Rugby Frontlines

Top Tips for Keeping Your Toes Healthy

In addition to helping you walk, your toes make it easier for you to stay balanced and adopt a healthy position. Because of this, it's wise to do what you can to keep them healthy. Great toe health involves adopting certain useful habits and looking out for signs that something is wrong.

Use Antibacterial Soap

Soap that has antibacterial and antifungal properties can work wonders for preventing infections. It's useful for keeping athlete's foot at bay, which usually develops when the fungus on your body thrives in moist conditions. As well as using the right soap, make sure you dry thoroughly between your toes. If you use a moisturiser, don't spread it between your toes as this may cause the moist conditions that allow fungi to thrive.

Identify Toenail Fungal Infections

Toenails suffering due to fungal infections are easy to spot. They'll become discoloured and will look either yellow or brown. They'll also look thicker than your other toenails and may adopt an unusual shape. Some may also turn brittle and begin to smell foul. If you have a fungal infection, you can use a combination of topical and oral treatments to tackle it. They usually take around four to six months to work, as you need to wait for the nail to regrow to see the full benefits. If treating the condition at home doesn't work, schedule an appointment with a podiatrist.

Cut Your Nails Correctly

Cutting your nails correctly is essential if you want to prevent an ingrown toenail. Schedule a time each week to look at your toes and assess whether you need to clip the nails. Try using a toenail clipper to achieve an even result, and don't cut too close to the skin. Avoid cutting down the edges of your nails, as this can cause them to grow inwards. If a nail is particularly thick and you're struggling to cut it, you may want to see a podiatrist instead.

Wear the Right Shoes

Wearing shoes that don't fit correctly affects your toes in lots of ways. Shoes that pinch your toes increase your risk of calluses, bunions and corns. In severe cases, you can develop conditions such as hammer toe that require attention from a surgeon. In addition to finding shoes that fit properly, avoid wearing heels too often. If you engage in a lot of sports, make sure you ask a professional fitting team to assess whether your trainers are appropriate for your foot shape and gait.

For more information, contact a podiatrist.  

About Me

Happy Feet: The Benefits Of Podiatrists From The Rugby Frontlines

Neil the rugby coach here. I’ve been coaching first grade for over ten years. One of my biggest tasks is helping the guys to overcome various aches and pains. From aching backs to dodgy knees to ingrown toenails, they depend on me to direct them to the best practitioners. I have found that my number one priority is making sure that they have a good foot specialist. Imagine the damage that wearing the wrong shoes and having constant blisters can cause! I started thinking that if the guys in my team are unaware of the major health benefits a podiatrist can offer, others may be in the same position. I hope my blog can give a broader perspective on the profession and the conditions they treat. I’m really pleased that you found my little site and hope that it helps you to walk tall.

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